Family Deed Poll


To change your family’s surname (family means at least one parent and one child under the age of 16) please complete and submit the secure application form below, which has provision for 6 children.  Please note, the parent and their spouse/partner can also change their title, first and middle names if required but children can only change their surname to the new family surname.

Before you complete this form, you may wish to read about our terms and conditions, fees and your statutory rights including your right to cancel by click on this link (opens new window).

After you have submitted your application, you need to send us a letter of consent (by email, fax or post).  A link to a page containing example letters of consent will be provided after you have submitted your application.

You must be the mother or father (with parental responsibility) for the child(ren) whose name(s) are being changed to complete this application form.  An explanation of parental responsibility is given on our page Can I change my child’s name (opens new window).  This article will also allow you to determine whether you have sole or joint parental responsibility for the child(ren).  If you do not have parental responsibility, please call our Helpline for advice about how to proceed.

If you need assistance and wish to speak to a Deed Poll Officer, please call our Helpline (see top right of this page for the number and our opening hours).

Please note: All questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required

  • Applicant's details (can be the mother or father)

    Preferably, you should be the mother but you can be the father if you have parental responsibility for your child(ren). Your current name, new name and address will appear on your Deed Poll document. Your title will only appear if you are changing it.

    *Status in family

    *Current title

    If you select Other please enter your current title in the comments box at the end of this section.

    Current Other Title

    *Current forenames

    Enter your first name and all your middle names (all your given names).

    *Current surname

    To find out how your names will appear on your Deed Poll documentation, please click on this link (opens pop-up window).

    *Do you wish to change your title?

    • If you wish to change your title to a title other than Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms or Mx, please click on this link (opens pop-up window) for further information.
    • For information about the title Mx, please click on this link (opens pop-up window).

    New Title

    New Other Title

    *Do you wish to change your forenames?

    Please select yes if you wish to change your forename(s) as part of this process. 

    New forenames

    Enter all the forenames you wish to have - not just any new ones.

    *The new surname for all family members

    This will be the new surname for all family members you are
    including on this application form.


    This should be your permanent residential address, which should be a physical address and not a PO Box address.

    *Date Of Birth


    If your child(ren) are not British, are British with dual nationality or are British nationals living outside the United Kingdom, please click on this link (opens new window) to read our page about who can apply for a Deed Poll.

    Do you want us to date your Deed Poll with a future date? (optional)

    If you select no we will issue your Deed Poll un-dated for you to date when you sign it. If you enter Yes, we will date your Deed Poll for 2 working days after we post it (when you should receive it by) or you can enter a specific future date. A date printed by us looks much better than a hand written date. Please click on this link (opens pop-up window) for further information.

    Future Date

    Any comments or additional information (optional)

    A separate Adult deed poll will be issued to your spouse/partner.

    Is your spouse/partner also changing their name?

    *Current title

    If you select Other please enter your current title in the comments box at the end of this section.

    Current Other Title

    *Current forenames

    Enter your first name and all your middle names (all your given names).

    *Current surname

    To find out how your names will appear on your Deed Poll documentation, please click on this link (opens pop-up window).

    *Do you wish to change your title?

    • If you wish to change your title to a title other than Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms or Mx, please click on this link (opens pop-up window) for further information.
    • For information about the title Mx, please click on this link (opens pop-up window).

    New Title

    New Other Title

    *Do you wish to change your forenames?

    Please select yes if you wish to change your forename(s) as part of this process. 

    New forenames

    Enter all the forenames you wish to have - not just any new ones.

    *Date of Birth


    If your child(ren) are not British, are British with dual nationality or are British nationals living outside the United Kingdom, please click on this link (opens new window) to read our page about who can apply for a Deed Poll.

    Any comments or additional information about your spouse/partner (optional)

    Do you require our Legal Copy and Archive Service?

    Organisations such as the Passport Office, DVLA, the financial institutions etc will not accept a photocopy of your Deed Poll document. Our legal copies (also known as certified copies) will be accepted by these organisations in lieu of your original Deed Poll document thus avoiding your original Deed Poll being lost or damaged in the post. Also, we archive an image of your signed Deed Poll so you can order further legal copies in the future should you ever lose or mislay your Deed Poll.

    *Do you require our Legal Copy and Archive Service

    Click in this drop-down box to select a different response.

    Please select quantity of copies required

    Your application MUST include at least one child under the age of 16 for which you have parental responsibility. Your children can only change their surname to the new family surname. If you wish to change a son/daughter's first or middle names, you must also apply for a separate Child Deed Poll (if under 16 years of age). If 16 or over, you must apply for a separate Adult Deed Poll after you have submitted this application.

    *How many children's names are you changing?


    If your child(ren) are not British, are British with dual nationality or are British nationals living outside the United Kingdom, please click on this link (opens new window) to read our page about who can apply for a Deed Poll.

    *Current forenames

    Enter the child's current first and all middle names (all given names)

    *Current surname

    *Sex (at birth)

    *Date of Birth


    *Where was the birth (or adoption) registered?

    *Is someone recorded on the birth certificate as the father?

    *Were the parents married when this child was born? (or were married at any time after this child was born)

    *Is either parent deceased?

    *Is this child the subject of any court order or court registered agreement that affects your right to change this child's name or affects who has parental responsibility for this child?

    Please enter the details in this text box

    *Do you have sole or joint parental responsibility for your 1st child

    PR = Parental Responsibility

    *Current forenames

    Enter the child's current first and all middle names (all given names)

    *Current surname

    *Sex (at birth)

    *Date of Birth


    *Where was the birth (or adoption) registered?

    *Is someone recorded on the birth certificate as the father?

    *Were the parents married when this child was born? (or were married at any time after this child was born)

    *Is either parent deceased?

    *Is this child the subject of any court order or court registered agreement that affects your right to change this child's name or affects who has parental responsibility for this child?

    Please enter the details in this text box

    *Do you have sole or joint parental responsibility for your 2nd child

    PR = Parental Responsibility

    *Current forenames

    Enter the child's current first and all middle names (all given names)

    *Current surname

    *Sex (at birth)

    *Date of Birth


    *Where was the birth (or adoption) registered?

    *Is someone recorded on the birth certificate as the father?

    *Were the parents married when this child was born? (or were married at any time after this child was born)

    *Is either parent deceased?

    *Is this child the subject of any court order or court registered agreement that affects your right to change this child's name or affects who has parental responsibility for this child?

    Please enter the details in this text box

    *Do you have sole or joint parental responsibility for your 3rd child

    PR = Parental Responsibility

    *Current forenames

    Enter the child's current first and all middle names (all given names)

    *Current surname

    *Sex (at birth)

    *Date of Birth


    *Where was the birth (or adoption) registered?

    *Is someone recorded on the birth certificate as the father?

    *Were the parents married when this child was born? (or were married at any time after this child was born)

    *Is either parent deceased?

    *Is this child the subject of any court order or court registered agreement that affects your right to change this child's name or affects who has parental responsibility for this child?

    Please enter the details in this text box

    *Do you have sole or joint parental responsibility for your 4th child

    PR = Parental Responsibility

    *Current forenames

    Enter the child's current first and all middle names (all given names)

    *Current surname

    *Sex (at birth)

    *Date of Birth


    *Where was the birth (or adoption) registered?

    *Is someone recorded on the birth certificate as the father?

    *Were the parents married when this child was born? (or were married at any time after this child was born)

    *Is either parent deceased?

    *Is this child the subject of any court order or court registered agreement that affects your right to change this child's name or affects who has parental responsibility for this child?

    Please enter the details in this text box

    *Do you have sole or joint parental responsibility for your 5th child

    PR = Parental Responsibility

    *Current forenames

    Enter the child's current first and all middle names (all given names)

    *Current surname

    *Sex (at birth)

    *Date of Birth


    *Where was the birth (or adoption) registered?

    *Is someone recorded on the birth certificate as the father?

    *Were the parents married when this child was born? (or were married at any time after this child was born)

    *Is either parent deceased?

    *Is this child the subject of any court order or court registered agreement that affects your right to change this child's name or affects who has parental responsibility for this child?

    Please enter the details in this text box

    *Do you have sole or joint parental responsibility for your 6th child

    PR = Parental Responsibility

    Do you require our Legal Copy and Archive Service?

    Organisations such as the Passport Office, DVLA, the financial institutions etc will not accept a photocopy of your Deed Poll document. Our legal copies (also known as certified copies) will be accepted by these organisations in lieu of your original Deed Poll document thus avoiding your original Deed Poll being lost or damaged in the post. Also, we archive an image of your signed Deed Poll so you can order further legal copies in the future should you ever lose or mislay your Deed Poll.

    *Do you require our Legal Copy and Archive Service

    Click in this drop-down box to select a different response.

    Please select quantity of copies required